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  • Writer's pictureJeffery Greenblatt

ASTER tool presentation to NASA

Emerging Futures' CEO Jeffery Greenblatt presents an update on the development of the ASTER modeling tool (Analysis of Space Technologies, Economics and Resources) at the NASA Ames Space Portal weekly Space Commercialization Teleconference on September 19, 2018. ASTER has been in development for three years and is designed to provide a flexible modeling environment for simulating complex space systems such as space stations, propellant depots, asteroid mining operations, and human settlements on the Moon, Mars or in free space. The aim of the tool is to track material and energy flows, calculate component masses, explore technology trade-offs, and estimate system costs over time. Still in development, Emerging Futures aspires to eventually make ASTER a collaborative platform for the space community.

You can watch a brief, 3-min. video summary of the presentation by clicking on the link below. You can also watch the full, 1-hr. video recording, or download the PowerPoint slides.

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